
Project’s actions are:

A. Impact assessment of 2007 fire on the habitat type "(Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines"

B. Demonstration of a structured approach for the restoration of black pine forests

C. Implementation of restoration measures

D. Monitoring and evaluation of the restoration

E. Dissemination and communication actions


A. Impact assessment of 2007 fire on the habitat type "(Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines"

The impact assessment of fire on the priority habitat type “(Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines” on Mount Parnonas is based on the detailed mapping of the burnt areas and the evaluation of the fire impacts through the use of remote sensing, geographical information systems and fieldwork. See the results.

2 year Black pine trees

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B. Demonstration of a structured approach for the restoration of black pine forests

This action involves the development and demonstration of a structured approach for the restoration of black pine forests that will help define priorities for the restoration of the areas affected. Of major importance is the description of a step-by-step process for prioritizing and selecting the most suitable areas for restoration. Prioritization and selection is achieved by applying exclusion criteria (e.g. areas suitable for natural regeneration), eligibility criteria in terms of abiotic parameters (e.g. soil depth, slope, etc.) and technical criteria (e.g. accessibility). The above mentioned approach will be customized for the restoration of black pine forests in Parnonas resulting in proposals for the restoration of burnt Black pine forest.

Artificial restoration of Black pine

These proposals will be the basis for the elaboration of the technical implementation study which contains all the necessary technical specifications and financial information for the prompt implementation of the restoration according to the Greek forest legislation. See the results.

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C. Implementation of restoration measures

This action regards the restoration of 290 ha of black pine forests by the Forest Service of Sparti (Region of Peloponnese). The restoration will be performed according to the provisions of the technical implementation study by a subcontractor which will be appointed through a public tender procedure according to the EU anf Greek legislation. See the results.

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D. Monitoring and evaluation of the restoration

A crucial element of a restoration project, especially in cases where habitat types and areas of the Network NATURA 2000 are involved, is the installation of a monitoring system for the evaluation of the restoration effectiveness. In Parnonas region, permanent plots are installed from which data are collected regularly.

Monitoring plot for artificial restoration

The monitoring system aims at the evaluation of the progress of natural regeneration, of the effectiveness of restoration planning and of the success of restoration. To achieve these 13 plots for the monitoring of natural regeneration and 20 plots for the monitoring of artificial restoration have been established (see the map of monitoring plots). Monitoring plots for natural regeneration have been permanently marked, while monitoring plots for artificial restoration will be permanently marked concurrently with restoration works (Action C1a). See the progress and the results.


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E. Dissemination and communication actions

The purpose of the dissemination and communication of the project’s results (e.g. website, participation in conferences, layman's report) is to promote the approach and the restoration actions implemented under this project. Particularly noted here is the holding of a conference about the restoration of forests, the publication of guidelines concerning the implementation of a structured approach for the restoration of black pine forests and their circulation to the authorities responsible for forest restoration. See the results

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Last update 03/06/2013