Greece and other Mediterranean countries suffered during the summer of the year 2007 from devastating wildfires that caused significant losses to several Mediterranean ecosystems, as the black pine (Pinus nigra) forests [priority habitat type *9530 “(Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines” included in the Annex I of Directive 92/43/EEC]. More specific, on Mount Parnonas [Site of Community Importance (SCI GR2520006) - Oros Parnonas (and Malevi area) of the NATURA 2000 Network], black pine forests used to cover 5.350 ha. The wildfires destroyed a great percentage of the forests’ area (nearly 36%) within the site’s limits.
The burnt areas of the above mentioned habitat type represent the southern most stands of the species on Mount Parnonas, which itself stands in Southeast Peloponnese, one of the drier areas of Greece and Europe, as well. Natural restoration of black pine forests is very precarious due to the special characteristics of the species Pinus nigra. In case that a permanent loss of the species on all or some of the burnt areas occurs, the actual European continental distribution of the habitat type to the south will be affected. Considering this fact, and adding the uncertainty of potential impacts to the distribution of several plant and animal species resulting from climate change, these challenges may be brought to an alarming status.
The occurrence of fire incidents to mountainous ecosystems which are not well adapted to extensive wildfires pose new challenges concerning their conservation and restoration. The LIFE+ project “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach” addresses the need to restore this habitat type with the demonstration of the application of a structured, scientifically robust step-by-step approach, in order to plan accurately and restore effectively the burnt by the recent fires priority habitat type *9530. The proposed restoration of the target habitat type will, also, contribute to the conservation of the southern distribution limits of the target habitat type in Europe.

Recent News & Announcements
27/05/2014 |
The project LIFE+ NATURE LIFE07 NAT/GR/000286 entitled “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach” which was implemented by the Goulandris Natural History Museum/Greek Biotope - Wetland Centre in cooperation with the ...
09/05/2014 |
On Thursday May 8th 2014 three members of the Management Body of mount Parnon & Moustos wetland and a French volunteer of the European Voluntary Service, visited the elementary school of Vlachokerasia Arcadia. Forty five (45) students of elementary school and the ...
30/04/2014 |
The project LIFE+ NATURE LIFE07 NAT/GR/000286 entitled “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach” is implemented by the Goulandris Natural History Museum/Greek Biotope - Wetland Centre in cooperation with the ...
03/02/2014 |
On Monday, February 2nd, 2014 there was a scheduled environmental information visit at Astros Gymnasium in the framework of the educational program implemented by the School called "Young Reporters for the Environment". The 25member environmental class group of the 3rd grade ...
12/11/2013 |
The Management Body of mount Parnon & Moustos wetland under protocol no 1111/7-12-2012 submitted a proposal of 5.000,00 €, regarding the financial program:"Natural Environment 2013" Priority Axis 2" Co-Funding LIFE Projects" Green Fund, coverage of self participation in ...
29/08/2013 |
Within the framework of project LIFE PINUS* implementation the layman's report was created which includes all the basic information from the whole Life project on restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas through a structured approach and outlines the goals, actions ...
17/05/2013 |
The main results of the project “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach” were presented at a scientific meeting, held in Sparta, at the Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil by the Management Body of Mt Parnon ...
08/05/2013 |
As part of the demonstration of the application of a structured approach for the restoration of black pine forests and spreading its use, an evaluation questionnaire was released. The questionnaire is in Greek as it is mainly meant for Greek experts in post-fire management ...
30/04/2013 |
We invite you to the meeting for the dissemination of project results LIFE PINUS (LIFE07 NAT/GR/000286 “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach” ) which will be held from 15 to 16 May 2013 at the Museum of the Olive ...
21/03/2013 |
The 21st of March which coincides with the beginning of spring solstice, ie the first day of spring, has been established as World Forestry Day by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) whose goal is the scientific and sustainable management and utilization of forest ...
05/03/2013 |
A documentary film entitled «The travelling seed» was created as part of the project LIFE+ PINUS LIFE07 NAT/GR/000286 entitled “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach”.
The film is about black pine forests and ...
14/02/2013 |
Dear friends,
We would like to inform you that the project LIFE - PINUS entitled “Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach” which is implemented by the Goulandris Natural History Museum/Greek Biotope - Wetland ...
Under the LIFE+ Financial Instrument, the
Goulandris Natural History Museum/ Greek Biotope Wetland,
the Region of Peloponnisos-Forest Service of Sparti,
the Management Body of Mount Parnon and Moustos Wetland,
and the Region of East Macedonia-Thrace
are implementing the LIFE07 NAT/GR/000286 project entitled "Restoration of Pinus Nigra
forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structured approach". It will last from 1.1.2009 to
30.6.2013. The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Environment,
Energy and Climate Change.
Coordinating Beneficiary
Assosiated Beneficiaries